Learn to Play this Fun Drawing Game
Age Range for This Game:
Age 8 and up
Time to Play:
30 minutes or more
Supplies or Materials Needed:
– 4 or more players
– Something to Draw on, e.g., marker board, large paper, etc.
– Something to Draw with, e.g., dry erase markers, pencils, pens, etc.
– Timer
– Index cards or small slips of paper
The Pictionary game, a fantastically fun guess-the-word game, was designed in 1985 by a very creative fellow named Robert Angel. Hasbro (the game company) saw the phenomenal potential in this word drawing game and published it in 1994.
Players do not have to be artists to play. In fact, the worse the artist the more fun the game!
The commercial game comes with a board which has a sequence of squares on it. Each colored square has a letter on it identifying the type of drawing to be attempted. These range from:
- Object
- Person, place or animal
- An action
- Difficult (something very challenging to draw)
- All Play (teams pick someone to draw the same word or phrase for both teams at the same time. First team to guess gets the win)
Supplies You Need to Play the Pictionary Game
The easiest way to play is with a commercial Pictionary game. If you don’t own one, one of your friends may. However, you can easily play using a few supplies you already have at home. Here is what you need to make your own game:
- Something to Draw on: Dry-erase board, or easel pad paper (paper needs to be large enough for everyone to see what is being drawn). If you play with a small group and you all sit around a table, you can get away with a smaller drawing surface.
- Pictionary Word List: At least 10 Index cards with words or phrases written on them. These words or phrases can have to do with the birthday person or theme.
- Something to Draw with: Pens, pencils, crayons, markers, or dry erase markers/erasers.
- Something to Time with: Use a 1 Minute timer (or 3 minutes for younger kids). If you don’t have a digital kitchen timer or stop watch, think “Smart Phone.” You or one of your guests likely has one, complete with a stop watch.
Pictionary Rules: How To Play the Game 
The object of the commercial game is to be the first team to reach the last square on the board that comes with the game. For a homemade game, the first team to reach 10 points wins. Here’s how to play:
- Divide guests into two teams.
- Each team chooses a player to be the drawer. This position rotates after each word.
- The drawer draws a card from the deck of cards, or the index cards you created. The card will have a word or phrase printed on it.
- The drawer then makes his best attempt at drawing whatever is written on the card.
- The Drawer cannot use letters, numbers, nor may he or she speak.
- Team members try to guess the word.
- Use a 1 minute timer to add to the frantic excitement. For the little ones, a 3 minute timer often works better.
Game Help: Visit my Pictionary Word List if you need a little help with word ideas. Depending on how long your game goes, you may run out of ideas. Let me help!
If you need even more words or you just want to have fun with seasons, I’ve got you covered. You can find Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer words on the seasonal Pictionary words list.
Pictionary Game Tips and Cautions
When using dry erase markers it is a good idea to leave a window open or have air circulating. Why? Depending on what kind you have, they can be pretty stinky!
If using pencils with younguns, remind them to be careful handling a pointy object (Game + Pointy Object = Injury).
Other Fun Birthday Party Games for Kids
- Charades
- Feely Bag
- Memory Game
- Pin the Tail on the Donkey
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